867 Grafton St, Worcester, MA 01604 (In the Plaza) | (508) 792-1011
Craft Beers Showcase
Over 150 different types of craft beers!
Arrogant Bastard Ale Medium bodied, yet rich, full and complex. Smooth, especially as it warms. Big malty sweetness with caramel, chocolate and toasted/roasted flavours. Alcohol prickliness teases the palate then the brew kicks its ass with an assertive hop profile. It's raw, coarse, a bit prickly itself, mildly rind-like. Helps to balance the huge malt flavours. Finishes with a lingering sweetness, caramel, roasted coffee. A bit grain/dry too. |
This American Black Ale, our strongest signature beer, has the malt profile of an Imperial Schwartz Beer and the floral characteristics of an American IPA. Saturated in hops, this intrepid style offers smooth dark toffee and chocolate flavors without the roasted bitterness found in many "dark" beers. |
A grand smoothness softens the yeasty blow, not that the yeast has a bite but it is there like a thick blanket after a winter storm. The maltiness has a sturdy steam and branches off into biscuity and grainy flavours. Bread wheat malt. Hops are mild with a monotone citric flavour. |
Pours a hazy light orange with a foamy khaki head that settles to a film on top of the beer. Small streaks of lace form around the glass on the drink down. Smell is of malt, citrus fruit, citrus zest, and some earthy hop aromas. Taste is much the same with citrus zest flavors on the finish. There is a mild amount of hop bitterness on the palate with each sip. This beer has a lower level of carbonation with a slightly crisp and medium bodied mouthfeel. |
If there is something you don't see here don't hesitate to call the store at 508-853-1919, or make a request here